身為數位孿生的專家,我們透過系統工程設計、IoT物聯網技術、數據分析、雲端計算與擴增實境應用,將真實世界(建築、系統)的整個產品生命週期(BLM)過程在虛擬空間(BIM)中完成映射,洞見複雜且多方來源的數據,透過 3D 技術呈現給使用者換取前所未有的資訊可視性。
Founder / Tech-Lead
美國麻省理工學院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Carl Yu holds a Master Degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), majoring in Design and Computation, class of 2009. Past experience includes ARUP engineering company as team leader, ATG ( Advanced Technology Group) group as BIM manager that led Shenzhen office’s strategy team for project implementation across the globe. Carl is also an expert in parametric design for multidisciplinary design, such as design analysis and conduct training courses for ARUP East Asia.
During his time at MIT, Carl worked as a full-time researcher at the MIT Mobile Experience Lab, where he designed systems that radically reinvents and creatively designs connections between people.
Carl’s main area of expertise focuses on integrating technology into material and physical objects. For instance, Sustainable Technology, Parametric Design, Simulation Tools, Physical Feedback Loop System Design and Mobile Device. While Carl is an experienced architect, he’s also equipped with skills in other disciplines, such as Architectural Representation, Concept Design, User Experience Study, HCI, Behavior Modeling.
工一團隊 Meet our team!
Onework 工一科技團隊組職
Ruby Yu
Co-Founder / Tech-Lead
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
Yvon Yeh
Tech Lead
Tamkang University
Scott Pan
Project Lead / BDM
University of Texas Arlington
TH Lee
Corporate BDM / Marketing
University of California - Berkeley
Onework 成立於2016年,致力於為AEC產業建立其數位雙生。主營為利用IOT(物聯網) 與BIM(建築資訊模型)、大數據分析,自主研發了三維數據管理平台,可大規模並行承載不同類別的空間數據,平台可對數據進行清洗、格式轉換,形成虛實融合的城市空間載體。為區域運營商提供運營數據管理,與提供政府空間數據可視化監管,及遊客虛實融合移動應用等各項服務。目前主要客戶集中在國外的數據中心、機場、大型園區等項目,我們將致力提供一系列的管理工具,將因產業分工所造成的資訊碎片化做深度的整頓及管理。